Midlands ICURe
(Innovation to Commercialisation of University Research)

Designed for research teams from all UK universities with commercially-promising ideas, with potential funding of up to £30k!

ICURe is a highly successful 3 month customer discovery programme followed by a 3 month commercialisation accelerator designed using lean start-up methodology and funded by Innovate UK.

Do you need support, expert feedback and guidance, funding or market research?

ICURe Application

ICURe is open to all University early career researchers
(from Ph.D. to post-doctoral researchers) from across
the UK. To ‘get out of the lab’ and validate your research
apply today!

Innovation to Commercialisation

Impact | Derive more IMPACT from your research activities

Market | Validate the market demand for products or services that utilise your research

Funding | Receive funding of up to £30k for a 3-month market validation

Customers | Engage with at least 100 prospective customers, competitors, regulators and stakeholders worldwide

Experts | Receive expert feedback and guidance for your chosen commercialisation route

Commercialisation | If successful, receive a further 3 month’s funding of up to £15k and guidance to begin your commercialisation journey for real

Accelerator | If applicable apply for ring-fenced ICURe start-up funding to propel your spin-out forward

About the Programme

ICURe trains, funds, and supports teams led by university early-career researchers (ECRs) to determine whether there is a market for products or services that utilise their research, science, or technology, and if there is to realise that opportunity. Up to £30,000 of funding is available to ‘get out of the lab’ and validate these commercially promising ideas in the marketplace, and a further up to £15,000 to begin the commercialisation journey for real. For teams who can successfully demonstrate the best route to commercialisation as a spin-out company, there is the additional opportunity to bid for Innovate UK ICURe start-up funding of up to £300k.

To date, the ICURe Programme has helped create over 100 new companies, 500+ new jobs and over £250m of translational funding for the 342 UK teams that have completed it.

Go to: https://warwick.ac.uk/services/innovations/midlandsicure/